Thursday, November 1, 2007

Pray for Gustavo

Gustavo has not been doing very well lately. He initially improved somewhat after arriving here a few months ago and he gained some strength and a little weight. He is able to walk on his own, very slowly and carefully, but he never got to the point of playing with toys and other kids. He generally would just sit. He got sick a few weeks ago when a cold/feaver was going around the casa and all the kids got it. When he got sick, he began to throw up after every meal and after taking his medicine and this has continued for about 3 weeks now. He had a few good days on and off where he could keep his food down but then start throwing up again. Today the doctors put him in the hospital to put a feeding tube down his nose to force feed him. They are all very concerned for him because he is extremely weak and frail so he needs all the prayers he can get.
The newest arrival, Juan Fernando, is doing a lot better now after 3 or 4 weeks here. He finally has started smiling more and likes to play with the other kids whereas initially he cried when anyone tried to play with him. I spent a lot of time with him because he was so sad and did not play with anyone and it initially caused problems because he would always cry if I put him down or left the room. That has passed for the most part but he is smart and knows to cry around me more than any of the others because I am weak and will try to get him to stop rather than ignore him. Putting him to bed is the worst because he cries terribly every night. It is the only time he cries "ma-ma" also. He probably was used to sleeping in her bed so sleeping alone in a bed is no fun for him. When he arrived his mother told me he was 2 1/2 but the papers for him say his 2nd birthday is coming up on Nov. 12th. Judging by his teeth, walking somewhat uneasily, and not yet but just about to say his first words, I am thinking the papers are right and he is about to turn 2. The really sad thing is that in the month since his mother brought him here she has never come to see him.


Mariana said...

We pray for Gustavo to get better. Mike you are doing a wonderful job there helping this children.

Connie W. said...

Is Gustavo doing better now? I will continue to pray for all of you.