Tuesday, March 17, 2009

New Boy

We received a new boy in the casa yesterday afternoon. His name is Ever, which they tell me is not an unusual name, but not real common. He is 5 years old and very skinny as all the new kids usually are. His story is very familiar unfortunately. His mother died a week ago and his father could not take care of him because he has to work so the hospital asked Masbely to take him in, which she did. He is very sad as is also common for the first weeks of a new arrival. All the kids are very interested in new kids when they first arrive, but it is really the last thing the new kid wants is to be surrounded by a bunch of other kids staring at him. He is the 39th current member of the family living here, 18 boys and 21 girls.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ever just received a new madrina! I can't wait to learn more about him. Welcome Ever!