Saturday, May 22, 2010

The End of the Blog

After 3 years, my mission in Honduras has just come to an end. I arrived back in the USA last Friday. As it was in Dec., I was very sad to leave the casa and the kids. I went to the airport with Masbely, Xiomara and Juan-Fernando. This time he really understood that I was leaving and what it meant after experiencing it in Dec. for a couple of months. I told him that just like so many other kids in Honduras, his papa was going to the US to work and I would be back to visit him. Unfortunately for the boys I was living with, there was no plan for after I left, just like in Dec., so the boys will be living on their own without any adult with them. I can only pray that someone else will feel called to go there to help out like I did 3 years ago, or that they decide to hire a new employee to stay with the boys at night.

The most positive news that happened the last couple of weeks that I was there was that Carlos Roberto decided to get baptised in the church he has been going to. Carlos is now 20. He had a lot of problems when he lived in the casa and was eventually kicked out at age 15. After living with Xiomara for 3 years, he moved out on his own and was living with a former employee of the casa and her son and Josué in our neighborhood. They are the next door neighbors of the boys new home where I was living. Carlos still has motivational problems and rarely works, but he is getting better and maturing. He began going to church last year and made the decision to get baptised.

After I got home, I got a message from the casa that the dog Mau (like the Chinese emperor) died. Mau was a donation from a Spanish couple returning to Spain and they could not take him with them. He actually had his own trust fund also as the couple would donate money for his food and vet bills. They told me the kids were very sad to see him go. They burried him in the park.

After 3 years of living at the casa surrounded by kids, it is going to be a big adjustment returning home. It will be nice to return to a somewhat normal living arrangement, but I will definitely miss all the kids and having them around constantly. It will be sad going to the supermarket without Juan. As I told them at the casa, I am not leaving forever. I will continue to visit as I regularly did in the past before 2007 and I look forward to this. I hope that you all enjoyed keeping up on my mission with my little blogcito here.


1 comment:

Robbie said...

I'm glad you're back, but will miss reading the blog and keeping up with the kids, and all the goings-on at the Casa!

Well done good and faithful servant!