Isaac is really coming along well and is adapting to living at the casa. He is now eating a lot and able to keep most of the food down without throwing up. He got to go to Pizza Hut with some of the older kids and some visitors and he wore the little hat they gave him for several days. His family came to visit him last week and that made him very happy and ever since he has started playing with the other kids and talking whereas before he was very quiet and always stayed alone not playing with the others. His grandmother, brother Carlos (blue shirt on the left) and uncle Jonathan (yellow shirt on the right) came to visit. We found out that his father lives near Tela somewhere but could not take care of the boys. His mother went to the U.S. three years ago and abandoned the boys. They heard from her last year and she was in Minnesota but do not know if she is still there. Isaac's brother is Carlos who is 12 and is also HIV+. He asked if he could move here to live with Isaac and Masbely, the director of the casa, agreed. Carlos will be moving here in October after Josué moves out and Carlos will live in the house with me and the three oldest boys.
Josué is 19 and currently is the oldest boy in the casa. He decided to stop going to school this year and got a job working in a condiment factory. He was told that he could continue living in the casa until he was 21 if he stayed in school but if he stopped going to school he would have to move out on October 1st. He still chose to drop out of school and there is not much they could do to change the mind of a 19 year old. Casa Corazón will continue to provide the medications for Josué after he moves out and they will continue to be his family but their philosophy has been to prepare the kids to live on their own once they finish school and not to continue to live here as adults so they have room for other needy children. So Josué will leave on October 1st and new Carlos will move in.
I'm so glad to see that Issac has a brother coming to live with him and a family that visits. He is looking much healthier. You are doing a great job with. All your hard work is paying off.
Connie W.
It's good to hear that Isaac is doing better. I know having his brother with him should also help to perk him up.
Sorry to hear about Josue deciding to leave. I think that is a good example of why you are down there, to help these older boys to "grow up". I think Josue made his decision long ago, but I know you'll be a blessing to the other boys as they mature.
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