Saturday, April 4, 2009

Semana Santa

Yesterday started the official week of Semana Santa, holy week. The week leading up to Easter is a holiday and all the schools are out. Wed. thru Sat. is a national holiday and just about everything is closed. The casa has to pay the workers double time for their hours on those days. They have always said that semana santa is the hottest week of the year, but I always felt it was worse in June. Well, I was proven wrong yesterday. Yesterday the temp got up to 39c which is about 102. The forcast for today is 40c, which is 104. I went to NPH is Tegucigalpa this week to visit Maynor and the return trip yesterday in the bus was terrible. Even though the bus was moving most of the time, the wind coming in the window was like having a fan in your oven blowing hot air at you. My water bottle got so warm is was not at all refreshing to drink 100 degree water. Now I know why the rich people pay 4x the price to go in the buses with a/c.

Yesterday they pulled out the swimming pool that they bought last year and filled it up to start using today. The little kids got to go first this morning and had a great time. Here are some photos and a video of them from earlier today. The kids are all taking turns to swim in groups. First the little kids, then the younger girls went and so on in groups. I thought they should have started with the biggest kids for sanitary reasons, if you get what I mean, because three of the youngest boys are still in diapers. I think I will dump some clorox in the water before I get in.

1 comment:

Connie W. said...

Clorox?? I'd put in fresh water and only swim with the potty trained kids, if I were you. Looks like they are having a ball! Put on your bathing suit and join the fun.