Friday, September 28, 2007

The youngest kids

These are the faces of the youngest kids here at Casa Corazón who are at home during the morning when the other kids go to school.

Misael is 6 months old and the youngest. You can see that his leg is about twice the size of my thumb. At 6 mos. he probably weighs less than most new borns. Next is Josué at one year and just about to walk on his own. Next to him Sarai who is 14 months old now. She tested negative at 6 months and 1 year so she does not have HIV but she will stay at the casa until a family wants to adopt her.

The second row has Mirna who is 2, Erick is 3, and Gustavo who they say is 3 but looks a little older than that. He is improving with the medicine and regular food.
The third row starts with Johanna who is 4. Johanna also does not have HIV but no one has ever wanted to adopt her so she still is at the casa. Also her older brother Jaime lives here so that is another reason for her to stay. Estella and Denia both are 5 years old.
The last row is Dariana who is 6. She is old enough to be in school, but she came here after the school year started and they don't allow kids to start school after the year already began so she has to wait until February.


Connie W. said...

Absolutely precious! What a beautiful bunch. Gustav looks like he is getting better.
It would appear that you stay pretty busy.
What is a typical day like for you?

Yehudi said...

Beautiful kids! Nice blog you have here! L'Shalom...

Mary said...

You look like a proud papa! Passing out cigars? Lots of prayers going up for you and the kids.
